Written by Nassar Ibrahim
The Israeli cabinet (Israeli mini-cabinet) met in an emergency session last night to take a decision which is not an emergency, as it is already known: attacks on Gaza ...!!! How funny is this cabinet, but how great Gaza is on its own, and how great the price paid by Gaza.
This is the case since time immemorial:
If any operation was carried out anywhere in the world against Israel or its interests, Israel's answer is: We will attack Gaza!
If a car was stolen: attack Gaza!
If prices rose: attack Gaza!
If Lieberman or Netanyahu caught a cold: attack Gaza again!
If a minister has problems with his wife: punish Gaza!
If a rocket was fired from Sinai the solution is well known: We will hit Gaza!
If the traffic lights were disrupted in Tel Aviv, Gaza is the reason: then declare war on Gaza!
If tourism declined, Gaza is the reason: bomb Gaza!
If rain is delayed and the level of the Galilee sea decreased, Gaza is the reason: cut off water to Gaza!
If the electricity goes out, the reason is the prayers of Gaza: cut off electricity to Gaza!
If there is sandstorm, then the sands of Gaza are the reason: bury Gaza in the sand!
If there is sea storm, then the reason is the fishermen of Gaza: drown Gaza in the water!
If one of the heads of Israel is accused of sexual harassment, the reason is Gaza: destroy Gaza again!
If temperatures rose above the seasonal average, this is because of the Gaza tunnels: permission to wage war on Gaza!
If Netanyahu's wife gets angry with her neighbors, it's because of stress caused by the Gaza border situation, and the solution: to attack Gaza again!
If an international institution convicts Israel for its crimes, it is because of incitement carried out by Gaza, so burn Gaza.....!!!!
Gaza is the reason,and Gaza is the result. The dream of Israel's leaders since their birthis that the sea will swallow up Gaza. This is because it is Gaza;all calamities and scourges of Israel are not caused by Gaza?!
However, the sea did not swallow Gaza, for it is the brother of her soul since time immemorial. Gaza is moving toward its destiny without caring about the council or sub-committee or plenary. Gaza is the title of our identity and maintains our dignity.
So do not leave Gaza alone!
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