Written by Nassar Ibrahim
The United Nations General Assembly elected Israel as Vice-Chair of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. Something is wrong. Wrong in a big way, even bigger than the ear of an elephant.
A brief restoration of the order of events:
On November 10, 1975, the UN General Assembly passed resolution 3379, which specifies that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". The resolution called on all countries of the world to resist the Zionist ideology as it constitutes a threat to international peace and security.
On December 16, 1991, this decision was canceled by Resolution 46/86 of the General Assembly itself.
In June 2014, Israel was elected as Vice-Chair of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization!
So, what does this mean? That forty years ago Zionism was a racist movement, but suddenly it was not? Something is wrong here, but what?
Israel on the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. This means that for 66 years we were wrong. This means that Israel is "struggling against colonialism". It has struggled against us for 66 years. So we the Palestinians were wrong. WE are the colonizers and occupiers. Perhaps we did not understand or know, but we cheated the world.
Poor Israel, the victim. For 66 years it is suffering and trying to explain to the world the that there is a problem, but nobody listened However, the rope of lying is short no matter how long it is, and finally the world discovered the truth. It discovered the reality of violence, injustice, arbitrariness and brutality of Palestinians against Israel.
That is why the international community today (I very much love this international community!) has corrected the erroneous equations by implementing the Golden Rule: to arrive late is better than never ... never… right?!
I mean, it is unbelievable that God himself, who has made a promise to the Jews in Palestine, and the international community (especially America, Britain and France) discovered, belatedly, that Israel has a long history of struggling against Palestinian colonialism. It also struggled against the racist, colonial movement led by the racist Nelson Mandela.
And we Palestinians have been lying for 66 years and attacking Israel under banner of freedom and independence. We are false!
But, the Palestinian genius has dealt with these variables artfully and cunningly. We have a deliberate plan to penetrate the consciousness of Israelis and the occupation, so we listen to speeches about the humanitarian gestures of the Israeli army and the sacred duty of security cooperation.
I have almost finished my comment here, but a little bird near the window announced more breaking news: That very soon Israel will also be…a member of the committee against torture, and the committee against administrative detention. Why not, there is no problem?!
As such is the situation, the last word will not be from me but from Pharaoh, who was asked what made him Pharaoh He replied that he became Pharaoh as he didn’t find anyone to stop him How right he is!
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